Waterloo Area Historical Society

Detailed Information

The Waterloo Farm Museum is located just outside Chelsea, and offers tours of the ten-room farmhouse, log cabin, barns, blacksmith and woodworking workshop, bake house, ice house, milk cellar, and windmill.  Tours are lead by knowledgeable guides in period dress.

The Waterloo Farm Museum and Dewey School are located in Waterloo, Michigan, near Stockbridge and Chelsea. Currently on 3 acres, the original property was over 50 acres and is surrounded by swamps, fields, and hills typical of glaciated areas in Southern Central Michigan. There was an orchard and cider mill across from the farm house which were torn down by the State of Michigan over 50 years ago. The house was saved and turned into the Waterloo Farm Museum and after the work of many volunteers it has been maintained mostly as it was. Original buildings were maintained and additional buildings to celebrate the Michigan Pioneer farming life have be brought here.

The Dewey School is located a short drive from the Farm Museum and is an original one room school house, which were common throughout the are but are now disappearing due to neglect.

The Farm Museum and Dewey School are a unique experience, different from Greenfield Village, which replicates an 1800th century village.

About the Waterloo Area Historical Society

The Waterloo Farm Museum and Dewey School Museum are maintained and staffed by volunteer members of the Waterloo Area Historical Society. We have operated as a community service since 1962, giving tours, living history interpretations, demonstrations, education meetings, and craft classes.
