Chelsea First United Methodist Church

Detailed Information
Our mission is to establish lifelong faith pathways for becoming disciples of Jesus for the transformation of the world, reflecting the light and love of Christ in our community and beyond.
Our core values: Connect, Equip, Commit
Guiding Principles:
We ground ourselves in Christ and strive to live by his life, teachings, and ministry.
We show up in worship, small group meetings, learning and service events, well-prepared and with anticipation.
We see and honor the beauty and gifts in our differences.
We strive first to understand, then to be understood.
We honor differing learning styles and life stages in the journey of faith.
We are accountable to God and to each other, to mature in faith and to keep our commitments, undergirded by and overshadowed with grace.
We learn, grow, and serve individually, in small groups and in teams.
