Messy Church at Chelsea First UMC

What to Expect at Messy Church

Messy Church Is Fun.  All ages gather to engage in activities, crafts, and games that bring the month’s Bible story to life.

Messy Church Is Faith

Following the activities and crafts, all ages join in a short celebration with an interactive Bible story, music, and prayer.

Messy Church is Food

Each Messy Church concludes with a meal provided by the church. Sitting at a table with new and old friends sharing the stories of our real and messy lives!

In January’s Messy Church Session, we will explore how we must build our lives on the right foundation-Jesus and His Word. When we’re embarking on a new year, a new project, new season, having a strong foundation is key.

What habits might help us start off with a strong foundation built on the ROCK?

In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus compares those who hear His teachings and put them into practice to a wise person who builds their house on a rock. When storms come, the house stands firm because it is anchored on a solid foundation. In contrast, those who hear His words but don’t follow them are like foolish people who build on sand, and when the storms come, the house collapses.

When our lives are built on Jesus, the solid rock, we will be able to withstand life’s storms. With Him as our foundation, we remain strong, no matter what challenges come our way.

The event is finished.


Jan 12 2025


4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Jan 12 2025
  • Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Chelsea First United Methodist Church


Chelsea First United Methodist Church
128 Park Street, Chelsea, MI, USA


Chelsea First United Methodist Church
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