Zero Waste Initiative

In an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our impact on the environment, the Sounds & Sights Committee has joined forces with the Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition.

What is Zero Waste? The zero waste approach seeks to maximize recycling, minimize waste, reduce consumption and ensures that products are made to be reused, repaired or recycled back into nature or the marketplace.

How do we do this?

  • We reduced excess plastics by only offering compostable cups to those that request them. Otherwise, beverages in the Social Tent are served in recyclable cans.
  • A majority of the service ware in our Food Court is made of compostable materials.
  • Recycling and Compost stations are setup in the Food Court and Social Tent.
  • Our Festival direction signage is made of a recyclable plastic material that is meant to be reused year after year.
  • We continually reduced our printed materials and utilize our digital platforms to provide specific information on our events.


Although our ultimate goal is to become a Zero Waste event, this process will occur over time and is possible thanks to our Zero Waste Sponsors:
